News and Updates

Learning Management System Coming in Summer 2021: Help Pick Its Name!

Posted April 2021

Realizing that the Center and our partner organizations have outgrown our current website to host training materials , we’ve spent the last six months looking at alternatives. Early on, we realized that what we and our partners need is a learning management system (LMS).


Signals Consortium Releases Resources for Refresher Training

Posted April 2021

As part of the Signals Consortium scope of work, Center instructional designers have been working with subject matter experts from across the country to create a library of resources for refresher training.


Center Holds Final Webinar on BEB Familiarization

Posted April 2021

On March 23, 2021, the Center held the final webinar in a three-part series on Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Familiarization. Over 150 attendees joined the 2-hour session to hear presentations on the various battery charging options and considerations. The course was designed for bus technicians, instructors and others to gain a better understanding of BEBs; participants were encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. Attendees heard presentations from the BEB OEMs including BYD, New Flyer and Proterra. The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) also participated.


APTA Launches Transit Workforce Readiness Guide

Posted March 2021

APTA has announced the release of its Transit Workforce Readiness Guide . The guide is an interactive and easy-to-use online resource to help organizations build a more diverse talent pipeline by attracting high school students - especially those from underserved communities - into entry-level public transit positions.


Skills Booster Webinar – Preparing for and Capturing Video Footage for Instructional Video

Posted March 2021

The Transportation Learning Center hosted its third Skills Booster learning event for its consortium and committee members on March 9, 2021. Skills Booster webinars are opportunities for transit trainers and others to gain knowledge and develop new skills in trending technologies.