News and Updates

Remembering Larry Hanley

Posted May 2019

In 2015, longtime friends and supporters organized a party celebrating the 100th birthday of Herman Benson, founder of the Association for Union Democracy and a tireless advocate for the rights of workers to control their own unions.


This week’s update includes stories on

Posted May 2019

This week’s update includes stories on U.S. language diversity is increasing, but transit agencies are not keeping up, uber backs off talk of competing with public transit and how to keep the robots from taking jobs.


Center Delivers Mentor Training at TARC in Louisville, KY

Posted April 2019

On behalf of the Center, Stuart Bass, Executive Director of the Keystone Development Partnership, delivered transit coach operator Train-the-Mentor at TARC in Louisville, KY on April 16, 2019. Stu trained transit coach operators/mentors using the curriculum developed by the Center under the American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) project.


Center Staff Participate in Conference Highlighting Transit Skill Shortage

Posted April 2019

On March 27, Center Director Jack Clark and Center Program Director John Schiavone participated in a New York City conference entitled “Setting Lives in Motion.”


Center Holds National Coach Operator Apprenticeship Meeting at TARC

Posted April 2019

The Center held the eighth Transit Coach Operator Apprenticeship Technical Committee Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky from April 2 to 5, 2019.