News and Updates

The Center’s New Website Highlights Services We Can Deliver to the Transportation Industry

Posted November 2012

The new site contains some of the same information such as links to our publications, transportation related news and how to contact us for more information. 

The largest addition to the site is our Solutions and Services section which outlines the services which the Center can provide to transportation authorities and their unions, including our specific experience in these areas.


Transit Elevator/Escalator Consortium Develops Database of OEM Manuals for Customized Training

Posted October 2012

The Transit Elevator/Escalator Training Consortium met last week in Philadelphia.  Topics covered included how to approach the 300 level courses which are manufacturer and model specific.  It was decided that having one example course for each area (controllers, brakes, etc.) which highlights the common differences amongst systems would be the best approach.  This will be supplemented by the creation of a database of manuals where different topic areas are indexed for easy access for the instructor - making each course completely customizable.


Equity Caucus of Transportation for America Coalition Plans for 2014 Reauthorization

Posted October 2012

Last week representatives of dozens of transportation advocacy and social justice organizations met in Washington to begin planning for reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Act.


Build Transit Human Capital and Career Pathways for Urban Youth

Posted October 2012

The Transportation Learning Center presented a call for expanded transit investment in human capital and youth career pathways in a September 26th Congressional briefing on transportation career opportunities for urban youth.  TWU Administrative Vice President Jeffrey Brooks and Center Executive Director Brian Turner emphasized that greater investment in transit human capital needs to be combined with expanded youth career pathways and industry career ladder training programs to meet the industry’s urgent need for qualified technical workers in the decade ahead.


Weekly Update - Week of October 1, 2012

Posted October 2012

The Weekly Update is a compendium of news and views from around the public transportation industry and beyond on transit policy, workforce development, major events, environmental issues, system growth, and more. Read it here each week, or subscribe via email.