
Advancing the Workforce: ITLC’s Participation at the TAM Conference

Posted October 2024
Senior Workforce Development Advisor Maurice Beard and Instructional Designer Frank Burnett

Last month, Senior Workforce Development Advisor Maurice Beard and Instructional Designer Frank Burnett participated in the Transportation Association of Maryland’s (TAM) annual conference in Stevensville, Maryland, co-facilitating a session titled, “Workforce Development Programs that Strengthen Recruitment, Retention, and Career Advancement.” The session focused on the impact of training instructors and mentors and demonstrating key segments of ITLC’s and TWC’s Train-the-Trainer and Train-the-Mentor programs. Frank focused on the varied ways adults learn best, while Maurice discussed coach-operator mentorship’s positive impact on retention, reductions in absenteeism, and a reenergizing of veteran operators as they mentor new hires.

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