Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Committee Provides Forum for Discussion and Peer Advice
Posted June 2021
The Center’s Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Committee met virtually on May 19. The committee heard from labor and management representatives of agencies with registered apprenticeship programs that include Seattle, VTA (San Jose), MARTA (Atlanta), AC Transit (Oakland), and San Diego MTS. Agencies that recently received registered apprenticeship status through DOL spoke next about their experiences in launching their programs. They include TARC (Louisville), WeGo (Nashville), KCATA (Kansas City), and GCRTA (Cleveland).
The discussion during the meeting was geared towards troubleshooting holdups and answering questions related to implementing registered apprenticeship. Participants discussed the use of aptitude testing to qualify apprentice candidates. Agencies shared the type of tests that they use and the benefits of each method. The committee also discussed wage progression for apprentices as they move through the program. Agencies offered advice on how to increase wages for existing workers who will enter the program with different wage rates. The meeting was a chance for agencies to hear how their peers dealt with similar situations and agencies left the meeting with a clear plan for resolving issues and implementing an apprenticeship.
The Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Committee was started under a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, which ends in September, 2021. Due to the continuous need for support in registering apprenticeships and the high level of engagement within the committee, the Center plans to keep this committee, and others established under the grant, active even after the grant expires.
For more information on bus maintenance apprenticeship contact John J. Schiavone