Center Delivers Train-the-Trainer Course in New York
Posted March 2016
Last week, eight current and future maintenance trainers from WMATA, BART, SEPTA, and NYCT went through the Center developed Train-the-Trainer course. While the majority of the participants for this course were from the elevator-escalator department, there was one participant that came from the bus maintenance department. This course was developed and piloted as part of the Transit Elevator/Escalator Training Consortium.
As per course evaluations, participants felt that the class was “more informative than I initially expected. There was a lot of content and made me think outside of the box.” According to participants, highlights of lessons learned include:
Learning different instructional techniques, including effective ways to manage time
Sharing of ideas and knowledge
Identifying individual strengths and weakness by practicing different instructional methods
Recognizing different learning capabilities and adjustment of content accordingly
Learning how to develop a unique teaching style
For more information on the Train-the-Trainer course, contact Program Manager of Instructional Design Julie Deibel.