
Center Develops Transit Core Competencies Curriculum (TC3) Video

Posted November 2020

Ever since the Transportation Learning Center inaugurated its Transit Core Competencies Curriculum (TC3) in 2016 to help inform, attract, and prepare young people for careers in the industry, Center staff has been fielding TC3 information requests from current and potential partners. Transit agencies, unions, workforce development organizations, and educational institutions have wanted to know more about TC3’s content, courseware, and how it works in the classroom, the field, and, more recently, online.

“We decided that a video would be a great vehicle to communicate the essentials about TC3, explained Julie Deibel-Pundt, Program Manager for Instructional Design.” Working with Program & Communications Associate Kenyon Corbett, who has significant video production experience, and Senior Director for Workforce Education Pat Greenfield, Julie developed the video, which is now available for viewing.

Putting together a quality video is challenging in these times of Covid, but “our leadership and partners pitched in, using whatever video options were at their disposal to help us tell TC3’s story,” said Julie. Jamaine “G” Gibson, Workforce Development Coordinator from ATU International and Charles Jenkins, Acting Director of the TWU Local 100-NYCTA Training & Upgrading Fund both talk about their experience delivering TC3 and using the curriculum to engage young people in an exploration of the transit industry and its careers. The video also utilizes part of a TC3 courseware video Kenyon created, in which long-time Center subject matter expert and TWU Local 234 member and Rail Vehicle Maintainer Gwen Gibson talks about her SEPTA career. In addition, Executive Director Jack Clark and Deputy Director Xinge Wang introduce and close the program, as they explain TC3’s overall context.

“We hope this video provides viewers with basic information about TC3, which can lead to a discussion about how we might work together to provide the materials and program organizations can use to help strengthen the pipeline of new people into the industry—especially young people in the communities transit serves,” said Pat Greenfield. You can view the TC3 video here . If you are interested in discussing TC3, please contact Pat Greenfield.

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