Center Recognized as “Transportation Industry Champion” by The U.S. Department of Labor
Posted June 2014
In releasing its industry competency model for Transportation, Distribution and Logistics, US DOL recognized the Transportation Learning Center as a nonprofit organization “dedicated to improving public transportation by making a committed investment at the national and local levels in frontline technical workers. This commitment is manifested in a number of key initiatives including using a competency-based approach to create career pathways into public transportation jobs that provide living wages and benefits. The emphasis is on access to jobs and continuing education and training for young people and for men and women from disadvantaged populations served by public transportation.” DOL’s web site describes the Center as “well-positioned to demonstrate the value of the competency-based approach for preparing individuals for occupations in the transportation sector.” The continued, “The Center served as one of five industry champions for the recent update of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Competency Model. The Center is also working with several cities and states in implementing a competency-based career pathways approach to prepare young people for careers in public transit occupations.
To read the full case summary, visit Career One Stop’s Website