Employer Training Survey – Your Participation is Needed!
Posted March 2021
The Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship is conducting an employer training survey. The 2021 Employer Training Survey aims to understand regional trends in employer-provided training, including their program structure and rationales, participant profiles, barriers to offering or expanding training, and the effects of COVID-19. The learnings from this research will provide local practitioners and policymakers at all levels of government valuable information about necessary investments in and supports for various forms of training, including work-based learning.
We would greatly appreciate it if you would participate in this effort by following this link. Public, private, and nonprofit employers of all sizes and across all industries—regardless of whether they are currently offering training—are encouraged to complete the survey. The survey is brief and should only take about 15 minutes to complete. For more information about the survey, please refer to these Frequently Asked Questions or contact Lul Tesfai , Senior Policy Advisor, New America.