
ITLC Delivers Presentation at the TRB Workshop

Posted October 2024

Communications Manager David Stephen and Senior Director for Workforce Education Pat Greenfield joined a group of university, industry, and government representatives at the Transportation Research Board’s “Workshop to Broaden the Diversity of the Skilled, Technical Transportation Workforce” on September 18-19.


Following opening remarks by Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Associate Administrator for Research, Development, and Innovation Mary Leary and California State Transportation Agency's Secretary of Transportation Toks Omishakin, Pat and ATU’s Director of Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Jamaine Gibson co-presented on the panel, “Building Partnerships between Communities, Training Programs, and Employers.” Pat and David also facilitated breakout discussions throughout the day-and-a-half conference. Participants, included representatives from community colleges, HBCUs, American Public Transportation Association (APTA), and FTA discussed challenges, opportunities, and best practices in the areas of recruitment, partnerships, training programs, and funding.

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