ITLC Highlights Human Capital at ZEB Conference hosted by CTE
Posted October 2021
Most zero emission transportation conversations center on the technology’s capabilities. However, we cannot overlook the parallel socioeconomic investments that are needed to bring about a zero emission transportation system. At the 2021 Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Conference in Denver, CO, hosted by Center for Transportation and the Environment, ITLC Deputy Director Xinge Wang joined a panel of four on a session titled Cultivating Human Capital: From the Workforce to Community Partnerships. Each of panelist provided a unique perspective on ways they’ve strengthened the training, outreach and partnerships that support adoption of ZE technology in their communities.
Ms. Wang’s presentation “ZEBs are Here: Are Technicians Ready?” was framed around the importance of human capital investment in the frontline technicians who are charged with maintaining ZEBs now and increasingly down the road, showcasing the work ITLC has carried out with its partners in this area. Agencies don’t have to reinvent the wheels when it comes to the ZEB preparedness training. There is a great deal of commonality in training programs on ZEB familiarization. During the pandemic, the ITLC worked with multiple OEMs and partner organizations to develop three virtual learning sessions targeted at frontline technicians. They were well received by close to 500 technicians joining from across the country. With the infrastructure bill including dedicated workforce development funding for ZEB training as part of the Low-No grants and the establishment of the national Transit Workforce Center (TWC) by FTA under the ITLC, coordinated national efforts are needed from all stakeholders to avoid the duplication of resources and efforts, and produce highly effective training programs to address ZEB maintenance skills gaps.
To access the ZEB Familiarization online learning sessions or be involved in future discussions of ZEB maintenance training, please contact John Schiavone, ITLC Program Director at