
ITLC Provides Mentor Training for Two CA Transit Agencies

Posted September 2021

The International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC) provided five mentor training sessions at two transit agencies over the course of two weeks in September. The mentor training program was developed as an additional component to the registered apprenticeship programs that ITLC has supported through a U.S. DOL American Apprenticeship Initiative grant. Stuart Bass, with support from Karitsa Holdzkom, facilitated the full-day mentor training programs. They traveled first to San Diego MTS where they trained 17 bus maintenance apprenticeship mentors.

September 8, Mentor Training Session at San Diego MTS

September 9, Mentor Training Session at San Diego MTS

Kiko Diaz, IBEW Local 465 Assistant Business Manager, addresses the mentors

Mentor training programs were also provided to AC Transit where 23 mentors for both the bus operator and maintenance apprenticeship programs received the training. 

Mentor Training Sessions at AC Transit

Mentors at AC Transit role-playing to practice mentoring skill

Every session allowed time for the mentors to bring up specific issues that they have dealt with and get advice from peers and training managers. At both agencies, union and management leadership described the history of the apprenticeship programs and the work that was done to make the apprenticeships successful. The need for unions and agencies to work collaboratively to improve training was also highlighted. 

The mentor training curriculum explores learning styles, effective communication strategies, and the qualities, skills, and roles of a successful mentor. It included an in-depth review of adult learning styles and their impact on building and maintaining positive mentoring relationships. Participants practiced what they learned during interactive scenarios which provided them with an opportunity to simulate real-life mentoring sessions.    

For more information on mentor training, please contact Karitsa Holdzkom.

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