National Rail Car Training Consortium Holds Virtual End of Year Meeting
Posted January 2021
On December 17, 2020 the Center held a virtual meeting of the National Rail Car Training Consortium. The meeting was well attended with twelve of fifteen active agencies in attendance. To begin the meeting, member agencies had an opportunity to share updates on how the pandemic has impacted service and training at their respective locations. The Center’s Deputy Director, Xinge Wang and instructional designer, Kristen Ribaudo reviewed Rail Car Consortium activities and accomplishments for 2020 which include:
· The development of RV112: Introduction and Overview to Networking and Communication;
· The in-depth review of RV100: Introduction and Overview to Rail Vehicle Systems ;
· Completion of a Rail Car Consortium Course Catalog;
· Virtual delivery of the Center’s Train-the-Trainer Level 2 ;
· Delivery of multiple Skills Booster webinars to build in-house training capacity.
Consortium members discussed priorities for 2021 which will include continuing courseware validation through pilots and the development of two new courses: (1) Overview to Rerailing and (2) Overhaul and Rebuild of Rail Car Systems. Additionally, the Consortium is prioritizing the implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) and the development of eLearning assets to supplement existing courseware materials with.
For more information on the Rail Car Consortium, please contact Xinge Wang .