Rail Car Training Consortium Starts Courseware Development Work
Posted January 2016
On Wednesday January 13, the Center held a virtual kick-off meeting of the Subject Matter Expert group that will be working with Center Instructional Designers to develop instruction-ready courses for Rail Car Maintainers. Center staff oriented SMEs to the project by reviewing project tasks, presenting preliminary findings of the training needs analysis and introducing the Center’s proven model for courseware development. The Rail Car Training Consortium will follow the same model as previous maintenance training consortia (Transit Elevator/Escalator and Signals) - both in development process and courseware format.
It was decided that the first topics for which courseware will be developed are auxiliary inverters and batteries and HVAC systems. The webinar ended by SMEs selecting which courseware development team in which they will participate.
For more information:
Preview courseware materials from other training consortia:
Transit Elevator/Escalator Maintenance
Signals Maintenance
Contact project manager Xinge Wang.