
The Center is Following Events to Help Ensure the Benefits of Technology are Broadly Shared

Posted March 2019

On Monday, February 25, Jack Clark and Kenyon Corbett from the Center attended an event hosted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Economic Policy Institute entitled “Making the Digital Economy Work for Everyone.” The event was a discussion with Hubertus Heil, German Federal Minister for Labor and Social Affairs and Liz Shuler, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO. The event was moderated by Thea M. Lee, President, Economic Policy Institute. The digital transformation of the global economy is more than automation and AI - it is a fundamental structural transformation that will impact the frontline workforce. As two of the leading global economies, the United States and Germany are at the forefront of debates about what the changes brought by technological progress mean for employees, gig workers, unions, and businesses.

This is one of many ways the Center is keeping track of thinking and policy surrounding issues of automation and the future of work.

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