
TLC Expands Transit Trainer Courses: Level 2 is Now Available Both Virtually and In-person

Posted July 2020

By now, you are probably familiar with the Center’s well received Train-the-Trainer course focused on Adult Learning Theory and Teaching Techniques . Last month, we piloted Train-the-Trainer Level 2 (TtT2). TtT2 builds on Level 1 by giving experienced trainers the skills to be able to define, design and develop an effective and engaging training course and accompanying courseware and assessments which incorporate established adult learning principles.

As always, the Center introduces sound instructional design theory and focuses on the interactivity of the sessions and the application of the new information. Specifically, for TtT2, participants apply this new knowledge by starting to develop materials for a course of their choosing, which would ultimately be taught at their location.

Given the pandemic, the pilot was reformatted from a three-day in-person class to a four-week virtual class with weekly 90-minute class sessions via Zoom with preparatory work for each session that was based in the Moodle Learning Management System.

Overall, the pilot was successful. There was a 73 percent knowledge gain amongst participants. All responding participants also felt that the course was relevant to their work and would suggest it to a colleague. Participants also came away with concrete action items such as finishing the work they started. One participant said “I now understand how important assessments are and have already started going back and creating them for all courses, not just safety courses.”

Because participants were taking this course while at their normal location, some found it challenging to balance their usual workload with the virtual class. Through discussions with participants, we have devised some plans on how to make the virtual format fit better amongst competing priorities at work. We also acknowledge that sometimes an in-person class is preferable, for a variety of reasons. For this reason, in the future the Center will offer this course in both formats so locations and participants can pick what works best for them.

Please contact Program Director of Instructional Design Julie Deibel-Pundt for more information.

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