
Train-the-Trainer in Buffalo

Posted July 2024

Last month, Instructional Designer Brandon Liu and Facilitator Dennise Cardona delivered Level One Train-the-Trainer to bus maintenance and CDL trainers at Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority’s (NFTA) Cold Spring Training Facility in Buffalo, New York. The class consisted of bus maintenance and CDL trainers who ranged in experience from three months to 17 years in leading training at NFTA. They were joined by two bus maintenance trainers from Centro in Syracuse, New York. 


Train-the-Trainer Level One builds foundational knowledge on adult learning theory and principles and increases effectiveness for instructors through methods, tools, and guidelines for delivering training. It uses classroom and hands-on training strategies and offers multiple sessions of mock training throughout the week. NFTA’s Superintendent of Bus Maintenance John Dembik noted that the class was well worth the time commitment, and he is ready to incorporate the next delivery for Train-the-Trainer Level Two soon. 


For more information on Train-the-Trainer classes or scheduling for future sessions at your agency, contact Kristen Ribaudo at

Train-the-Trainer Level One participants and instructors

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