Transit Elevator/Escalator Consortium Gears Back-Up
Posted November 2014
Last Wednesday November 5, 2014 The Center convened members of the transit elevator/escalator training consortium via webinar to re-start work on the project in light of renewed commitment from FTA. On the webinar, the group:
* Reviewed the overall project timeline
* Was re-introduced to the courseware development process
* Decided on members and meeting dates for courseware
development teams
* Was updated on pilots that took place during the interim and
scheduled pilots moving forward
* Highlighted location specific courseware developed for BART by
the Center which built on the foundation created by the consortium
* Previewed the proposed interactive, hyperlink-based interface for
OEM specific courses
* Discussed how to collect information from locations in order to
calculate return on investment associated with consortium
Smaller courseware development teams will meet via webinar to work on content for the remaining 400 level courses (Advanced Equipment Inspection, Root Cause Failure Analysis and Predictive maintenance) during November and December 2014. The next live meeting of the full consortium is scheduled for early January 2015.
For more information on the Transit Elevator/Escalator Training Consortium, either visit the Center’s website or contact project manager Jim Kinahan.