Transportation & Education Industry Leaders Speak at the Center’s Conference - Materials Available
Posted June 2013
John Ladd of the Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship Speaking at the Center’s Conference with FTA’s Vince Valdes and Johan Uvin of the Department of Education
On May 30, 2013 Senior officials from DOT, US DOL and the US Department of Education spoke at the Center’s conference to highlight their current initiatives to expand training, apprenticeship and education opportunities for the frontline blue collar workforce. Vince Valdes, Associate Administrator of FTA, reported on FTA’s new safety initiatives and how FTA is beginning to implement MAP-21’s new training provisions. DOL’s John Ladd, Administrator of the Office of Apprenticeship, updated the group on DOL’s project to provide college credit for work-based learning in registered apprenticeship programs. Johan Uvin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education for Adult and Experiential Learning, shared the latest news on Career and Technical Education partnerships to expand the pipeline of qualified applicants for technical jobs in industries like transit.
The presentation materials are now available:
• MAP-21 Safety Implementation Progress - Vince Valdes, FTA
• Moving Forward: Transportation & Registered Apprenticeship - John Ladd, DOL