
TWC Presents at the CTAA EXPO

Posted July 2024

Senior Workforce Development Advisor Maurice Beard and Senior Policy Analyst Karitsa Holdzkom presented at the Community Transportation Association of America’s (CTAA) EXPO in West Palm Beach, Florida on the workforce development opportunity presented by the Low-No and Bus/Bus Facilities Grants, discussing available resources for developing a zero-emission fleet transition plan, and showcasing examples of how agencies are preparing to use the workforce development funds received for zero-emission projects. Karitsa conducted an interview with SunLine’s Dioselyn Ayala Moreno, which was played during the session, allowing attendees to hear about the training that the additional 5% added to their zero-emission Low-No grant will fund. After the presentation, TWC team members engaged with the audience to answer questions and to provide more information on where and how to access available workforce resources presented.    

Xinge Wang, Karitsa Holdzkom, and Maurice Beard
Karitsa and Maurice assisting conference attendees

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