TWC Staff Highlight Training Needs for ZEBs
Posted May 2022
ITLC Executive Director, Jack Clark, Described the Mission and Goals of the TWC
On April 21, TWC staff gave two separate presentations highlighting the training needs of the bus technician workforce as agencies transition to zero-emission buses (ZEBs) as well as providing information on the resources available to fund this training.
ITLC Executive Director Jack Clark presented at the April 2022 Meeting of the Transit Vehicle Innovation Deployment Centers (TVIDC) Advisory Panel, managed by the Center for Transportation and the Environment and CALSTART. Jack gave updates on the TWC’s workforce development resources for ZEB maintenance and furthered the mission to develop a well-trained current and future transit workforce.
John Schiavone presented similar material at the bi-monthly meeting of the Zero Emission Bus Resource Alliance (ZEBRA). ZEBRA represents over 45 transit agencies; these meetings are a chance to gather the ZEBRA membership to hear presentations focused on industry concepts and member ZEB deployment updates.
In collaboration with the FTA, the TWC has prepared Resources and Best Practices for a Zero Emission-Workforce Fleet Transition Plan to aid agencies in preparing applications for funding through the Low or No Emission Program or the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program. This resource can help agencies identify training needs and how the funding set aside for training in these grants should be spent.