US Department of Labor Opens National Dialogue to Improve Economic and Caregiving Policies for Working Women After the COVID-19 Recession
Posted July 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor has launched a national online dialogue to gather ideas to improve labor outcomes for women, especially economically disadvantaged women. Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. These dialogues seek to understand the barriers that continue to limit the full participation of women in the workplace, while at the same time, determine how best to provide resources to lift up women workers and create a more equitable economy.
The dialogue will be open until July 9 and the input received will help identify strategies for dismantling the systemic barriers to employment and participation in workforce services women face. The dialogue’s themes will include:
Ensuring equity in the American Jobs Plan.
Promoting gender equity in the workplace.
Ensuring equitable access to paid leave.
Creating safe and welcoming workplaces.
Adapting to a changing labor market.
Register to participate in the dialogue.
The dialogue will also help formulate future programs and funding opportunities that respond to the needs of women from diverse backgrounds. It furthers the government-wide priority for gender equity and equality set forth in President Biden’s Executive Order 14020.